Photo Directory for STME Parishes

Thank you for signing up for the Photo Directory! Our parishioners, priests, and staff are excited to have an updated, multi-church, spiral bound directory.

Need help signing up for the directory? Please call the parish office during office hours at (414) 332-1576.

Photo Directory FAQs

  • If we do not add more photography days, you can expect your directory in early-to-mid May!

  • Please call the parish office at (414) 332-1576 for assistance. If we are out, please leave a message so we can contact you upon our return.

  • Why should you sign up? You mean, why shouldn’t you sign up?

    There are countless reasons why we wants everyone to be included in the parish directory. But we’ll list some of them below:

    1. Our priests and seminarians want to know who you are! Please help out Fr. Schmeckel, Fr. Tonny, and our seminarian Jacob Bruns to better know your names and faces. Directories are an invaluable resource to them when making calls or visiting hospitals.

    2. To strengthen our community! How many people do you see at Mass that you have forgotten the name of? Or maybe you have never had the pleasure of meeting them? With a photo directory, you will have the opportunity to know the names of the community you participate in.

    3. If you don’t, someone else might not get their photo in the directory. There aren’t many photography companies who make photo directories anymore. To keep themselves in business, they require a minimum of 20 families sign up for a slot per day, or else they cancel the whole day’s worth of sessions.

    4. Photo Directories are time capsules. They are historical records of our parish that will be used for generations to come. We want every parishioner to be remembered for their time at our parish!

    5. Because you’re beautiful, and you deserve to be in the photo directory.

  • Yes! You can have your photo taken at either St. Monica’s in Donovan Hall, or at St. Eugene’s in Mackin Hall, and you will still be put on the side of the directory corresponding with the parish you are registered with.

  • The photo directory will be a multi-church, spiral bound, 8.5x11 soft cover book. One side will be St. Eugene, then you flip it over and the other side will be St. Monica. (and vice versa)

  • If you do not purchase any additional prints from Harmann Studios, the directory is $20.

    Why aren’t we covering the costs of the directories?

    1. Harmann Studios is doing a promotion that allows the parishes to receive 3% back on every purchase made. This allows the parish to make money on the directory instead of losing money.

    2. The directory will be two sided with St. Monica on one side and St. Eugene on the reverse side. It is essentially a two-in-one directory, therefore its value is greater than that of a single parish directory. 

    3. Unfortunately, it is not in the parish budget to buy a directory for every parishioner at this time.

    4. If anyone cannot afford a directory, but would still like one, the parishes will still purchase one for that family. Please reach out to and we will cover the cost of your directory.

  • Yes! Please email us at to be put on our list.

  • Please contact If there are enough parishioners in need of different dates, we will schedule more photography sessions in the spring.